Season 3, episode 5 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the fact that Germany's society has changed - and not just in terms of ...
Season 3, episode 4 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the ups and downs of Germany's economy. What factors and events have ha...
History was always a weapon in modern politics. Those who wanted to shape the future knew that it was important to take control over the interpretation of the past. Manipulating visual material ...
Season 3, episode 3 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the partnership between Germany and the US. What values characterize th...
February 2024 marks a sad anniversary: We are two years into the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. Documenting this war has been a critical issue since the beginning. In our latest podcast...
Season 3, episode 2 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the political relationship between Germany and France. How can Franco-G...
Season 3, episode 1 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about Germany’s crisis chancellors: What experiences and lessons has Germany ...
Inge Auerbacher und Kurt S. Maier überlebten den Nationalsozialismus. Beide flüchteten in die Vereinigten Staaten, sind heute mehr als 90 Jahre alt und machen sich mit anderen Zeitzeug:innen der...
Die Krisen und Kriege unserer Zeit zwingen die Großmacht USA, sich neu aufzustellen. Was machte einst die Strahlkraft Amerikas aus? Was bleibt heute übrig vom sogenannten amerikanischen Jahrhund...
Grenzen überwunden? Das Verhältnis zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland
Der Westen dominiert nach wie vor das Denken über den Osten, meint der Leipziger Literaturprofessor Dirk Oschmann un...