Geschichte ist Gegenwart! Der History & Politics Podcast der Körber-Stiftung

Geschichte ist Gegenwart! Der History & Politics Podcast der Körber-Stiftung

Is Globalization unstoppable? Insights from the Past

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At least for a decade, multiple disruptions and crises have put Globalization to the test. Alas, current Anti-Globalization movements and tendencies are not unprecedented. Is Globalization as such really unstoppable or inevitable? Which parallels can we identify between the Anti-Globalization movement of the 1920s/1930s and today? What role does democracy play in the context of Globalization? And why did and do people, political movements and other actors decide for protectionism and nationalism? This is what we discussed with historian Tara Zahra during our conversation.

Moldau: Perspektiven eines zerrissenen Landes

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Die Sicherheitslage der Republik Moldau hat sich seit dem Start des Ukrainekriegs im Jahr 2022 verschlechtert. Aktuell erlebt die Gesellschaft zudem ein Ringen um die zukünftige Ausrichtung des Landes: Nach Osten Richtung Russland oder nach Westen Richtung EU? Im Herbst 2024 werden bei Präsidentschaftswahlen und einem EU-Referendum wichtige Weichen gestellt.
In dieser Jubiläumsfolge des History&Politics-Podcasts sprach Katja Fausser mit der moldauischen Osteuropahistorikerin Svetlana Suveica über Loyalitäten und Identitäten in dem Grenzland Moldau: Welche Folgen der vergangenen, gewaltsamen Grenzverschiebungen in der Region befeuern die aktuelle Auseinandersetzung über die Zukunft der Republik Moldau?

The New Germany S03E06: Extremism: Defending Democracy in Past and Present

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Season 3, episode 6 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody deals with the vulnerability of democratic systems against extremism. How has Germany dealt with various forms of extremism in the past? How can democracy be defended today? And what lessons can we learn from the end of the Weimar Republic in 1933 for dealing with extremism today?

Über die Geschichte einer gewaltfreien Gesellschaft

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Mit den Worten „Wir müssen kriegstüchtig werden” äußerte sich Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius in Worten, die selten so in der jüngeren deutschen Geschichte zu hören waren. Seine Aussage und die Reaktionen darauf werfen die Frage um das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Gewalt auf. Was versteht die heutige deutsche Mehrheitsgesellschaft unter Gewalt und wo wird sie verortet? Wie hat die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus die Nachkriegsgesellschaft in ihrer Wahrnehmung von Gewalt geprägt und tut es bis heute? Und wieso ist das relevant für das Verhältnis zur Bundeswehr? Diese Fragen und andere haben wir in unserem Gespräch mit Teresa Koloma Beck über die Geschichte einer gewaltfreien Gesellschaft besprochen.

The New Germany S03E05: Social Transformation: What is German?

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Season 3, episode 5 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the fact that Germany's society has changed - and not just in terms of its identity. How has the societal life in Germany changed? What effects and challenges does society face today? And how can a common basis for living together be created?

The New Germany, S03E04: Made in Germany: Industry and Deindustrialisation

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Season 3, episode 4 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the ups and downs of Germany's economy. What factors and events have had a lasting impact on German economic history? And can the economic lessons of the past contribute to a prosperous future for Germany?

Guest: Monika Schnitzer, Chairwoman of the German Council of Economic Experts

History in the Age of Disinformation

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History was always a weapon in modern politics. Those who wanted to shape the future knew that it was important to take control over the interpretation of the past. Manipulating visual material emotionally telling the story of historic moments is an approach that is old as the tradition of writing history itself. But does the new quantity and quality of deep faked history in the world wide web lead us into times where fact and fiction cannot be separated from each other anymore, when telling stories of our past? For our March episode we met Jason Steinhauer, founder of the History Communication Institute, to discuss the new quality of manipulating historical narratives in times of deep fake technology.

The New Germany, S03E03: Germany and the US: Cowboys and Keynesians

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Season 3, episode 3 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the partnership between Germany and the US. What values characterize the relationship? What challenges and changes have transatlantic relations faced so far?
Guest: Ben Hodges, Former Commanding General of US Army Europe

Distance and emotion: Ukrainian historians in war times

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February 2024 marks a sad anniversary: We are two years into the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. Documenting this war has been a critical issue since the beginning. In our latest podcast episode, we talked to Sofia Dyak, who works and lives in Lviv, about the consequences for historians: Where and how can Ukrainian historians currently make a meaningful contribution collecting testimonies about everyday life in times of occupation and armed conflict? How is it possible for them to separate between academic distance and emotional involvement? And to what kind of post-war justice can historians contribute in Ukraine while the war is still unfolding?

The New Germany, Season 3 - Episode 2: Germany and France: A Marriage on the Rocks

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Season 3, episode 2 of our six-part series The New Germany with historian Katja Hoyer and journalist Oliver Moody is about the political relationship between Germany and France. How can Franco-German relations find their way back to a functioning modus operandi? And to what extent have the views of the respective heads of state influenced the partnership?

Guest: Rym Momtaz, journalist and Consultant Research Fellow for European Foreign Policy and Security (IISS)

Über diesen Podcast

Warum Geschichte immer Gegenwart ist, besprechen wir mit unseren Gästen im History & Politics Podcast.

Wir zeigen, wie uns die Geschichte hilft, die Gegenwart besser zu verstehen.

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